Friday, August 7, 2009

Leave your car in the parking garage

If you live in an apartment, you probably live somewhere in the center of town and it doesn't take you that long to travel to your daily destinations. So ride a bike, walk or take the bus.

Save gas and money and invest in a good bike for around $200 brand new. Or find one at a garage sale or pawn shop. Depending on your city and how far you travel, you can save hundreds of dollars a year, not to mention the weight you're cutting off your carbon footprint.

I used to drive 10 minutes to work every morning. It was a typical drive: half a dozen stop signs and just as many stop lights with stop-and-go traffic the entire way. One day, I decided to bike. I plugged in my iPod, filled up a reusable squeeze water bottle and pedaled away. It took 20 minutes to get to work and the ride was much more enjoyable. I've gone from filling up my car twice a month to once a month. And now I'm trying to ride more places rather than drive. I slap on a backpack for carting goods and I'm golden.

Bicycles are a perfect solution to getting into shape and saving money and the environment.

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